linical samples, we analyzed 359 specimens collected in Digene specimen transport medium. Type-specific oligonucleotide probe results obtained by the standard MY09-MY11-HMB01 dot blot hybridization method were compared to those obtained using the MYB09-MYB11-BHMB01 reverse line blot method. Two separate aliquots of each digested STM sample were taken and processed independently at the two participating laboratory sites, where all aliquots were amplified
by using the ultrasensitive amplification profile (see Materials and Methods). Thirty-two HPV-positive and 24 HPV-negative samples determined by the ultrasensitive cycle system were randomly chosen for analysis by the short cycle profile, in which the time at each temperature step in the thermal profile was shortened. Samples were amplified separately for dot and line blot detection because of the requirement of unlabeled versus labeled primers in the dot and line blot detection methods,respectively. Investigators performing the two assays were blinded to results until all interpretations were final.