This, the second edition of Baker Library's ClassificationofBusiness
Literature, is basically a reissue. This is true for two major reasons.
First, our experiences and those of libraries and business organizations
which have adopted Baker Library's Classification as a means of arranging
books, correspondence, or other material in an orderly fashion have dem-
onstrated how soundly our predecessors built the new classification system
in the late 1920's and early 30's. This group, under the able leadership of
first Mr. W. P. Cutter and later Dr. Arthur H. Cole, was compsed of
members of the faculty and library staff of Harvard's Graduate School of
Business Administration. Here merged a fortunate blending of the substan-
tive knowledge and the technical skills of two groups dedicated to one com-
mon end, the development ofaclassification which would most adequately
serve the needs ofa rapidly expanding library and would also properly re-
flect the emerging functional and institutional divisions of the School's
This, the second edition of Baker Library's ClassificationofBusinessLiterature, is basically a reissue. This is true for two major reasons.First, our experiences and those of libraries and business organizationswhich have adopted Baker Library's Classification as a means of arrangingbooks, correspondence, or other material in an orderly fashion have dem-onstrated how soundly our predecessors built the new classification systemin the late 1920's and early 30's. This group, under the able leadership offirst Mr. W. P. Cutter and later Dr. Arthur H. Cole, was compsed ofmembers of the faculty and library staff of Harvard's Graduate School ofBusiness Administration. Here merged a fortunate blending of the substan-tive knowledge and the technical skills of two groups dedicated to one com-mon end, the development ofaclassification which would most adequatelyserve the needs ofa rapidly expanding library and would also properly re-flect the emerging functional and institutional divisions of the School'scurriculum.
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