CPG company has only 60 employees, but paid $75000 per year for insurance. A manager said "we'd accumulated a lot of (insurance) policies over the years, and at times we just paid our bills and didn't look at what we were paying for"
CPG is overspending on insurance could have been avoided if the firm had simply asked its broker a few basic questions and notify him of certain changes.
For a while year, CPG had been paying for coverage on four rental cars when it had only three. " when we asked, why didn't tell us to .
Managers try to deal with problem. they found workers' compensation plan got big problems. Several employees were in higher risk categories than they should be because the company based job classification on salary and position rather than activity.
CPG also asked the broker to translate all policies into "real English",something they can understand. they found an insurance was bought because of misunderstanding the technical terms. it was unnecessary.
CPG found the biggest cost savings simply by asking for lower premiums on rarely used policies.