Much of the volume of buildings defined under these parameters is already prefigured, especially when the logic of trade leads to build all the square and cubic meters allowed. This hotel is an attempt to open or permeate the norm: it is slim and has four open facades due to side setbacks; the larger facades are set back to allow a double skin of metal and glass, and the main facade articulates urban life and cantilevers the 1.5 m allowed by the building code. The vehicular access is located at the same level as the pedestrian access, this allows an additional level of rooms. Common areas occupy the basement with skylights. The building is understood as the stacking of small rooms articulated by a central corridor; simultaneously, it is identified as the vertical sum of three types of windows and visual relationships with the city: those controlled by fixed and perforated metal blinds, those defined with glazed surfaces the full size of rooms, and those that cantilever over the main street, which in some cases operate as small rooms at the end of circulations. While the rooms allow one to observe urban life and the landscape: the inhabited hills, the homogeneous brick city, and the spaces near the 93 park, the exterior image of the building corresponds to the life and interior, daily use of rooms and hallways.