Protecting ourselves
If we are abused, we must protect ourselves. In order to do so, we must take action against the abuse. Here are some ways we can protect ourselves from any type of abuse.
Inform an adult
Report the abuse to your teachers, your parents or an adult you trust. Do not keep it to yourself and do not be afraid to report the person.
An adult may be able to protect you and advise you on ways to protect yourself.
(An adult can comfort and watch over you if you are abused.)
Inform the police
If the abuse is serious, you should make a police report. Tell the police who the abuser is, what happened, where and when it happened so that the police can help protect you. Your action will prevent the abuser from harming another person.
(Call the police if you need protection.)
Go for counselling
Look for a counsellor if you feel that you have been abused and you are troubled by it.
A counsellor can advise you on ways to cope with your emotions such as fear, anger or sadness.
(Sharing your feelings with a counsellor can help you feel better.)