My magic power is being absorbed at far higher force than the weaselkin's [Magic Eater] machinery whom I repaired.
If this keeps up my magic power will be exhausted--.
An idea flashed on my mind suddenly.
I landed on the black ground with Unit Arrangement.
It's the octopus's body surface.
Just as I thought, the octopus's body surface can also absorb magic power, my [Astro Suit] has been canceled.
However, don't think you're the only one that can absorb magic power you know?
I execute mid level force magic [Mana Drain].
Unfortunately, there's no advanced or forbidden spell that's more efficient than this one. Of course that's only if I use it.
As its magic power got tremendously absorbed, it's losing its black color, turning white.
The octopus's scream is transmitted on the black body.
It tried to escape from me in panic, but it's useless no matter what inertia-canceling movement it uses. My [Magic Arm] is firmly wedged on the octopus's white body.
I use the fire magic forbidden spell [] on its defenseless body.
The white flame scoops out the octopus without even leaving an ash.
The spell created a crater several hundred meter wide, but it seems its fat could also absorb magic power so the destructive power of the spell wasn't as high as I hoped.
Even my forbidden spell can't instantly kill this one due to its unrealistic size huh....
--The stars over my head suddenly disappear.
The jet black spheres are approaching to wrap me up.
It seems the octopus wants to kill me using the jet black spheres even if it means injuring its body.
The white liquid from the gouged octopus spews into the void sky.
I look down at it from the void sky.
I was able to somehow escape with the little chance I had. After repeating Unit Arrangement and getting separated around 1000 kilometers away, I wait for the replenishment of my magic power that has been used up on the forbidden spell.
The sword-shaped lump of iron that looks like it can even pierce the moon flashes on my mind.
"If magic is useless, then I can just hit it physically."
The difference in size is too extreme, but I'll do something about it.
I summon the void sky artificial spirit Full Burnern 3. Unlike the Full Burnern 4 earlier, this one cannot shoot laser. Instead, it has long whip-like feelers.
It's an artificial spirit created to launch and carry things into the void sky.
I link eight artificial spirits and make it accelerate toward the octopus.
With speed that can tear one's body, even 1000 kilometer distance is over in an instant.
The octopus ran away in a hurry, but this time its gigantic body becomes its undoing.
I take out a lump of rock from my Storage and fling them to the octopus's body.
The lump of rock broke on the octopus's body surface, but the broken pieces gouged the octopus.
The suicide attack of the artificial spirits expands that wound even bigger.
The octopus's scream echoes in the void sky that can't transmit sound.
It's probably transmitted through Ether.
"The way to exterminate a gigantic creature like this is by--"
I plunge into the huge hole opened by the rock buckshot and the artificial spirits.
The wound is closing at great speed, but there's quite enough gap for me to enter.
--Moreover, my velocity isn't slowing down.
I throw a second lump of iron toward the meat wall of the octopus that's closing in.
The meat wall that's not as tough as the outer skin was pierced by the iron lump.
The lump seems to have arrived at the gastric region of the octopus--in the huge space of the central part. The gastric region is shaped like tear drops, even the shorter ones are several kilometer long.
Jet black spheres appear inside the stomach.
Creatures that looked like the White Ball Space Kaijuu also appeared inside the octopus's body.
I'm amazed to see that it also has ways to attack inside the body.
--However, it's too late.
I take out an item from my Storage.
The sword of iron lump that can even pierce the moon.
Since it's bothersome, let's just call it Moon Piercer Sword.
Torn by a foreign object from inside, the octopus's scream reverberates in the stomach.
I repeat storing and taking out the Moon Piercer Sword, shaving off the seemingly unlimited HP of the octopus.