A tiny island is in the Royal Navy conservative area. It belongs to Mu Koh Samae San which is 4 km from Ban Samae San shore in Sattahip district. This peaceful hideaway island serves as a small nature classroom for visitors who want to study sea environment. Wind yourself up with the cleanbeachofKoh Khamor try exploring the island by rambling on the wooden pathway, which takes about 30 minutes.
A must-do is to explore the coral garden which is under the surveillance of the Royal Thai Navy. This undersea spot is utterly unspoiled. At the far end of the array of buoys is the swimming zone where sea anemones are abundant as well as beautiful fishes such as tiny clown fishes. A one-day trip to Koh Kham needs to be booked in advance to protect overcrowded tourist which will affect the environment such as growing coral.
Since the sea has been affected by El Nino causing the rapid rising of the sea temperature, coral bleaching has occurred and number of the coral was lessened. The Royal Thai Navy has decided to establish "Reviving Coral Project" as several studies points out this area is suitable for growing corals. The navy team has picked the finest breed of coral and grows them in PVC nurseries, then brought it to the deep water. The outcome is positive as the corals grew rapidly and healthily. This area has also become a hospital for dying coral reefs and sends out healthy coral to areas where it’s lack of abodes for fishes. Recommended activities include snorkeling and exploring the coral reef by glass-bottom boat