2.3. Sample characterization
Grape stalk was characterized by proximate and ultimate analysis,
SEM (JEOL/JSM-6510 LV), FT-IR (Perkin Elmer Spectrum One), TG
(Perkin Elmer Pyris TG/DTA) analysis while the activated carbons obtained
was characterized by proximate and ultimate analysis, BET surface
area, iodine number, surface functional group analysis by Boehm's
titration [24] and FT-IR, pHzpc, SEM-EDX and particle size distribution.
Ash content of the activated carbon was determined according to
ASTM D3174-73 standard. The specific surface area and pore structure
parameters of the activated carbons are determined by using a surface
area analyzer (Micromeritics ASAP 2020). Iodine number of the activated
carbon was determined using the sodium thiosulfate volumetric
method [25]. In order to determine quantitatively and qualitatively surface
functional groups of the activated carbon, Boehm's titration method
[24] and FT-IR analysis were applied, respectively. pHzpc value of the
carbon was measured by using Malvern Nanosize ZS-3600 zetasizer. A
scanning electron microscope was used to examine the surface morphology
of the grape stalk and activated carbons obtained. The samples
for SEManalysiswere prepared by sputter-coating the surfaceswith Au.
The elemental composition was analyzed by EDX. Particle size distribution
and elemental analysis of the samples were performed using
Malvern Master Sizer 3000 and LECO CHNS 932 Elemental Analyzer,