number to approximately 20 items (5 min completion time).
The timeframe for the standardized questions was based on
their feeling “right now”. This was done in order to be able to
gauge state versus trait effects over time. Responses were based on
a 5-point Likert scale (Not at all¼0; Slightly¼1; Moderately¼2;
Mostly¼3; Very Much¼4). Scoring was based on summation of all
items. Eight items were reverse keyed. A high score reflects increased
motivation, effort, and pleasure (i.e., less anhedonia).
2.1.2. Content validity
The 34 item pool was reviewed by five independent, licensed
clinical psychologists, who provided qualitative feedback regarding
item content (i.e. free-form responses, and a quantitative
questionnaire was not utilized). All five reviewers endorsed the
face validity of items, made comments to clarify the concepts
addressed, and wording of questions were suggested. The scale
was revised according to comments.
2.1.3. Participants
Community participants were recruited from advertisements in
local media. Participants were required to meet the following inclusion
criteria: age between 18 and 65 years, at least 8 years of
education, and capacity to provide informed consent.
2.1.4. Procedures
Participants attended two research appointments at the Centre
for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) as part of a large community-based
study that included other measures than the DARS.
Following written informed consent, the Structured Clinical Interview
for Axis I DSM-IV Disorders (SCID-I) (First et al., 2002) and
the Dimensional Interview for Personality Disorders (DIPD), were
used to evaluate the presence of psychiatric disorders or personality
disorders, respectively. Demographic information was obtained
and the participants subsequently completed the DARS.
Participants received monetary compensation in return for
2.1.5. Statistical analysis
The structure of the DARS was evaluated using principal components
analysis (PCA) with a promax rotation, using parallel
analysis to determine the number of components to extract
(Hayton et al., 2004). Items with communalities less than 0.5 were
removed (Field, 2005). Loadings with absolute values Z0.5 were
considered to contribute sufficiently to the overall variability accounted
for by the component (Stevens, 1992; Costello and Osborne,
2005); items with loadings 40.3 on more than one component
were removed to improve consistency.
Internal consistency reliability for the items in the full scale and
any subscales retained in the DARS was conducted using Cronbach's
α. An α above 0.7 was considered acceptable (Devellis, 2012).
Other reliability tests including the average inter-item correlation
(AIC) were also performed. Group differences based on gender,
ethnorace, and depression treatment were evaluated with student
t-tests or Mann–Whitney U tests depending on the normality of
the data. Where there was more than one test of the same type
performed for a given hypothesis, Bonferroni correction for multiple
comparisons was utilized.
2.2. Results
2.2.1. Subject characteristics
A total of 229 participants recruited from the community were
enrolled in this study. The demographic data represent a middleaged
sample, most of whom completed at least high school
(Table 1). Overall, a third of the sample had a current psychiatric
diagnosis of which 21% met criteria for MDD in the past month.