Table 2: Comparison of fat content of the yoghurt samples made from camel and camel-sheep milk mixtures during the storage
Yoghurt samples Day 1 Day 5 Day 9 Day 13 Day 17 Day 21 Day 25 Day 29
100% camel milk (As1) 1.95±0.38c 2.05±0.17d 2. 20±0.09e 2.40±0.18c 2.00±0.17c 2.45±0.17b 2.4 2.5
100% camel milk (As2) 2.20±0.38bc 2.40±0.17d 2.55±0.09d 2.35±0.18c 2.40±0.17c 2.45±0.17b 2.45 2.4
60% camel milk+40% sheep 2.85±0.38bc 3.05±0.17c 3.80±0.09c 3.45±0.18b 3.10±0.17b 3.05±0.17a 3.05 -
milk (Bs1)
60% camel milk+40% sheep 2.95±0.38b 3.25±0.17c 4.20±0.09b 3.35±0.18b 3.65±0.17a 3.25±0.17a 3.25 -
milk (Bs2)
40% camel milk+60% sheep 4.40±0.38a 3.90±0.17a 4.55±0.09a 4.35±0.18a 3.50±0.17ab 3.25±0.17a - -
milk (Cs1)
40% camel milk+60% sheep 4.60±0.38a 4.25±0.17b 4.10±0.09b 3.95±0.18a 3.25±0.17ab 3.15±0.17a - -
milk (Cs2)
Mean values within the same row or column with different superscripts letters are significantly different (p