This study aims to analyze and to explain: (1) the five principles of a learning organization (2) The implementation of a
learning organization, (3) the relevant approach strategy in getting the principles of a learning organization that is implemented
in the Installation Cardiac Centre Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar. The study was conducted by using
a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection was employed by means of interviews, documentation,
and direct observation. The data analysis techniques that were used covered with data reduction, data presentation,
stand-in drawing conclusions and verification, data collection and final conclusion, which was a cycle process or interactive
process. To validate the data, the researchers used technique of triangulation technique. The findings of this study revealed
that the application of the principles of a learning organization that had been implemented in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Central Hospital Makassar, such as Personal Master, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learning, Systems Thinking, has
not run optimally in order to develop an effective and efficient organization. The Spiritual and Cultural approach remained as
the appropriate strategic approach to create a learning organization. Furthermore, the development of a learning organization
is an ideal form in the information age because globalization is getting stronger, the higher competition. The increasingly
rapid environmental changes force the organizations to be able to learn and adapt to a changing environment and make new
innovations for the continuation of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar.
The era of globalization requires each organization to maintain the existence and growth and to compete freely with
other elements within and outside of the organization. (Robbins, 2003) [1]
Hospital as an organization or institution that manages a multi-enterprise institution (medical services, nursing services,
public administration and finance, laboratory services, pharmacy, nutrition services, and just to name a few). It must meet the
new demands from the society. One of the fundamental efforts that can be done is by reforming the organizational internal as
coordinating institution appropriately to the hospital that continues to grow with high mobility, in line with the demands of
external development organizations.
A hospital is a health care organization that is unique and all-solid. It comprises with a solid effort, capital-intensive, upto-
date technology-intensive science, solid human resources and the variety of professions. This circumstance is due to the
hospital deals with an internal impact of multi-enterprise, which the emergence of problems is likely to occur. This
phenomenon is exacerbated by the emergence of regional and global issues, which change very quickly, the challenges of
free competition, the demands of performance-based strategic planning, as well as the appearance of the organization and
leadership paradigm for the future. Hence, the hospital as a referral center of the base level of service must maintain the
quality of service to the community. (Matzen, 2012) [2]
Quality of hospital services in terms of the number of nursing covers aspects and capabilities of professionals, work
motivation, funding, and facilities. Aside from that, the quality of hospital can be seen when it is supporting equipment, improvement
of hospital management in accordance with the development of science and technology. In this regard, the government
has set the standard of health care, for instance, the emphasis of health care hospitals include medical and nursing
Riegel (2008) states that nursing care is a major service to be done to achieve cure patients treated. Recovery of
patients who are treated at the hospital is supported by the role of the nurse in the delivery of health care services such as
nursing care, education to patients about things that support health and accelerate healing. [3]
The importance of the organization as a means of administration and management can be seen whether the organization
is managed properly or not. The achievement of goals depends on the ability of humans in running the organization
toward the path that has been established beforehand. (Siagian: 2003) [4]
Hospital as an organization is one form of health facilities organized by the government or the public and provides health
service, health referral and/or supporting health efforts. In carrying out its functions, hospitals are always expected to pay
attention to the social function in providing services to the community.
Indonesian Department of Public Health (2010) states that the quality of the hospital is influenced by a great number of
factors. The most dominant factor is human resources. Human resources directly involve in the provision of nursing care of
patients, doctors, nurses, midwives, and other supporting staff. Among these workers previously mentioned, nurses are
ranked highest number, 40 percent. [5]
Health services continue to face the demands for change. In relation to the quality of public services, hospital needs to
create changes. It means that alterations that are able to enhance awareness of the importance of organizational learning
and new ideas as a basis and encouragement towards the development of the organization.
Hasbullah (2008) states that organizational development is a program that is trying to improve organizational effectiveness
by integrating the individual's desire for growth and development with organizational goals. [6]
Zaidin (2001) states that one of the problems that often takes place in a hospital is the unbalance workload of nurses.
Hence, managers often find it difficult to determine the quality of the workload because it is more based on the subjective
complaints. [7] Hatchett (2007) explains that the nurse is a profession that specializes in the handling and care of patients.
The nurse duty is giving nursing care and health education to patients both in sickness and healthy with the aim to improve
the optimum welfare. [8]
This study analyzes five applications of the principles of a learning organization implemented in Cardiac Center Hospital,
Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Makassar. This study is in line with the theory of Senge (1996), namely system thinking,
personal mastery, shared vision, mental models, team learning. [9]
Dale (2003) states that the development of the organization is one of the complex educational strategies. Furthermore,
the ways that are planned to increase the effectiveness and organizational health through planned intervention by a
consultant using the theory and techniques of the adaptively behavioral science. [10]
Therefore, through the learning organization and organizational transformation that have been applied, it is expected to
be able to improve the quality of service in the Cardiac Centre Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar.
This study was conducted by using a qualitative descriptive. The researcher aimed to analyze the application of the
principles of learning organization in the provision of public services in the Cardiac Centre Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central
Hospital Makassar. This study was focused to analyze systematically, factually and accurately the information on the
phenomenon of the application of a learning organization model. The determination of the location of research was based on
the existence of the gap between expectation and reality in health care. The researchers focused the extent to which the
application of the principles of learning organization in Cardiac Centre Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar.
In addition, data analysis techniques used in this study were data reduction, data presentation, stand-in drawing conclusions
and verification, data collection and final conclusion, which was a cycle process or interactive process.
This study analyzes five applications of the principles of a learning organization implemented in Cardiac Center Dr.
Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar as follows.
System Thinking
Principles of system thinking in a learning organization prevailed in the Cardiac Center Installation Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Central Hospital are still in the process to be a better quality. However, systems thinking patterns among employees
are still significant differences. For instance, each of the doctors, nurses, and head of the installation has a different concept
of systems thinking. To unite the way of thinking in one organization cannot be achieved if there is still one of the parties that
are not satisfied in carrying out its work in the form of material and excess liability. These elements should be integrated such
a way to be able to form a unity in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital, particularly in Cardiac Center Installation.
Thus, health services and health patients are improved and satisfied with the service provided.
Systematic thinking is very useful in helping us to distinguish the effect of high and low changes in a very complex situation.
As a result, the art of systems thinking lies in the complexity of the basic structure that makes a change. Thinking does
not mean ignoring the complexity of the system. Instead, it means organizing complexity into a coherent story that illuminates
the causes of problems and how they are straightened in a way that remains.
Personal Mastery
Personal Mastery is the second principle of the principles of a learning organization and is an important cornerstone of
the foundation of learning organizations in spiritual learn