The objective of this study was to evaluate the quantity of some phenolic compounds and free radical scavenging activity of
strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) during storage period at different temperatures. Freshly harvested of three strawberry
cultivars fruits (‘San Andreas’, ‘Benicia’ and ‘Albion’) were placed in polyethylene bags and kept in refrigerated (4°C) and
frozen (-85°C) conditions for 7 days. Therefore, the analyses performed were applied on the fruits in stages: fresh, refrigerated
and frozen. With regard to the bio compounds analysis, we mention: total phenolic content (TPC) expressed as g gallic acid
equivalents (GAE), total flavonoid content (TFC) expressed as g of rutin equivalents (RE), and free radical scavenging activity
expressed as 50% effective concentration (EC50) (mg/ml). With regard to the TPC in all analyzed storage stages have revealed
‘San Andreas’ cultivar with a maximum content of 0.326 g GAE / 100 g fresh weight (FW). Also, the same cultivar recorded
high levels of total flavonoid content of 0.424 g RE / 100 g FW, all at the end of refrigeration period. In terms of free radical
scavenging activity, ‘Benicia’ cultivar highlighted the best results EC50 = 3.094 mg/ml.