Political Conflict. At the expenses of oversimplification, one may say that political conflicts have stemmed from philosophical differences or economic necessities, Nations have engaged in battle either due to religious differences or due to ideological differences, Followers of Christ went to war against non-believers; followers of Mohammed went to war against non- Muslims. From ideological perspective,leaders of the masses have stood against their kings and monarchs, and the Communist nations have fought the Capitalist nations.
Mankind has been slow in learning, but is beginning to realize that wars do not eradicate conflict. Religious and philosophical differences can not be eliminated, nor is there such a need. What is needed is understanding. When two intelligent people with opposing ideologies agree to dialogue, they usually arrive at some understanding that enables them to exist side by side. Such understandings are not attained overnight. They require patience, persistence, and a willingness to give and take
The arms reduction agreements between the USA and the ex-Soviet Union, the creation of the European Community Market, and the peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians are proof that conflicts can only controlled through mutual understanding.
International Trade. There were times when it was possible for stronger nations to take over the smaller or weaker nations, Colonialism emerged as a mechanism for increasing the economic resources. However, the days of Colonialism are over. In present times, if and when a country tries to solve her economic problems through invading other countries, the invader pays dearly. The Soviet involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq's attempt to control Kuwait were political mistakes and, in both instances, created further economic problems for Russia and Iraq.
The solution for the economic problem is no longer in capturing territories and invading other countries. The solution lies in creating new markets and global trade. International trade calls for an understanding of other people, their needs, their languages, their customs, and their cultures.
How to increase global understanding
Understanding another culture requires more than rudimentary knowledge of a foreign language or an awareness of a few of the differences in nonverbal communication. These are essential but these are only some of the essentials. Developing a meaningful understanding of another culture is a two-part process: analysis and action.