Report on the export revenue during 2008-2011
This report aims to show you a graph of the export revenue of the company during 2008-2011
Export revenue in 4 years
The graph shows that in 2008 the export revenue is 15 million baht, 2009 is 20 million baht, 2010 is 19 million baht and the last year in 2011 is 21 million baht.
The export revenue was hit a bottom at 15 million bath in 2008 and increase slightly from 2008 to 2009 next decrease gradually from 2009 to 2010 and increase slightly from 2010 to 2011 and the last it was reach a peak at 21 million baht in 2011.
While our export revenue increase right now. Our product and service will be good and it going to find new product to new target market but we really don’t know what happen will be change in the future.
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