“庄侍郎自小与你感情如何?”熙和宫中,庄络胭与封谨相对而坐,两人面前的茶还散发着朦胧的热气。www.yawen8.com 庄络胭执起茶壶,把 การแปล - “庄侍郎自小与你感情如何?”熙和宫中,庄络胭与封谨相对而坐,两人面前的茶还散发着朦胧的热气。www.yawen8.com 庄络胭执起茶壶,把 ไทย วิธีการพูด










































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"Zhuang, Vice Minister from an early age feelings with you? "Son House, Luo yan and would like to sit opposite each other, the two men before tea but also exudes a misty heat. www.yawen8.com Luo yan Zhuang take tea pot, on the Cup before I have heard Feng Jin, light smiled: "parents have always been the concubine, concubine of love, brother also took great care in his childhood. Brother grew up wit, propriety and good, but because I do it several times in the House the wicked. ” Feng Jin smells pondering a raised Teacup: "he was a good brother. ” Two men who did not mention the Soviet Union was just about impeachment, but there are spectrum Luo yan Zhuang, the Emperor did not intend to move the dealer, dealer, after all, has always been low-profile posting where, and there was no threat to the Emperor's family. When an emperor are capable of highly centralized at, Imperial concubines are free and not having to measure whether the family of woman lying at his side on the day against the. Feng Jin wants to put all power is concentrated in his hands, is also a step, that is the big family of Zhao Jia. The so-called baizuzhichong sierbujiang, Zhao has been somewhat restrained, but the Emperor caused by powerful forces have to dread, as household land wanted to tackle makers, is but a farce in the eyes of the emperor. Sudden impeachment ruling class of household land dealer, there may be reason for her in the harem favorite, Imperial concubines ' House, after all, in the fall of the former, will also affect the concubines of the Emperor's favor, Su Jia, this move does not exactly good-looking, or let them Sue Goodfriend shengqin walking on air? "I was not a good sister," Chuang Luo yan gave a wry smile, heart sighs, before this body is not a good sister. Zhuang Zhuang Luo yan, ruler and don't want the sister Palace, even already for his sister for a few good people, but just a glance at Emperor Luo yan insisted on going into his house with his parents, older brother, leave it alone for some time. I have to say, this is a family pet too annoyed, had plenty of good looks but no means to endanger his best years in vain, she drilled a loophole. Zhuang Luo yan, Feng Jin understood that the meaning of the words, at the time of he Luo yan Temple, had been investigating a natural complex also has an investigative Zhuang yan had the meaning of those words true and false. "Your Majesty, was already noon, whether meals? "Gao Dezhong approach, see the Emperor did not mean back to his house, then saved back to his house and asked if he passed the dining. "Ya * to * say * the * first *" "Space. "I would like to turn the head Luo yan hands reached out and patted Zhuang," in the eyes of me, love is good. ” "Your Majesty," Luo yan Zhuang eye flow, cover up feelings of the fundus. Emperor just because Zhao-filled instrument to reduce the horse talent brings refreshment, and Chiu-filled second day meter had lunch together, even at the night day Palace, harem women watched a Sue chaise longue inside jokes. Who does not know the Soviet Vice Minister Shen Zhuang, Vice Minister of the results was just nothing, Emperor Zhao instrument-filled glory undiminished. Sue Goodfriend pet Crown Imperial for years, other wives watch happily to her skin being grilled. Morning dress, Luo yan sitting in front of the mirror, selected a few items lazily, took the maid goes to clean water to drink a few mouthfuls, wiping his mouth: "Jade Lotus Emperor Shang's in my house, well placed, carefully knock the encounter. ” Something is indeed the Emperor rewarded, that Jade Lotus with jade, Carver is fine, and even the dew on Lotus bud like a real, to fall down. "My Lord, this morning and drove away, said is to allow you to have a good rest, slaves were not to wake you. "Bamboo side for Luo yan Zhuang combed hair, smiled," just send eunuchs in the province this year in the House of tea, said the Palace has few masters to come. ” Zhuang Luo yan Fu Bob hands the little hell, "which a few palaces? ” "Slaves heard outside except for the Queen Mother and Queen, only sue Goodfriend, soft Fei, Xu Zhaorong, Yan your wives, and masters and accomplishment chaise up there, too. "Zhu's words can be so complacent," anyway, brings refreshment and there is no. ” Luo Yan with two bracelets, smiled: "these are the things in the House, as did Zhuang brings refreshment and, with our Church? "She remembers the sister no half points of origin mention the concubines, she is not a Virgin, do not to return good for evil. Luo yan Zhuang or wrong, nor did she strong wrist two enemies become friends, not to mention such a Sisterhood, and originally could not be good to go. In the elegance of Feng Jin received a high United States Prince is going to join the ritual visit news. Country of Korea for the country, actually it is a subsidiary of I governance of Kyushu, Kyushu is a vast, fertile, with poor high compared to the United States, as the difference between millionaires and beggars. This high United States said to be visited, is actually daqiufeng. But over the years because of the high United States internal heir issues since Feng Jin throne, high United States haven't Port-au-Prince to pay his respects. Bear it in my blankly watched court officials because the high standards by which of the following United States into a debate, sneer loudly. "Your Majesty, I thought United States though a subsidiary in China, but China is a great country, but naturally reception in a luxury manner and let them see the bounty of our country. ” Feng Jin to the sound man, is the father of Empress Zhao Yong, his faint smile eyebrow: "Oh, this is it was opinion? ” Zhao Yong carefully look at the Emperor's face, can't really see the emperor thought, pause: "this is just his some opinions. ” "Okay, but trivial, does not dispute this. "I have an idle open:" this subject does come up with a regulation to get to me, nothing to let go. ” Rites under the heart of a bitter, the emperor was the meaning of daban is still simple? Back to the harem, would like to deal with some suriko expectedly close Explorer Gao Dezhong: "the harem today stir up anything? ” "Back to the emperor was nothing, but empress Ma talent cards, allowing people to withdraw up, Sue Royal Palace broke two tea, wee your wives in the garden for a walk in an hour. "Gao Dezhong thought, confirm that nothing is missing, it is no longer open. "Touch of what's in the news? "Move up, went to the Chamber maid-for-robes, and never asked. "The touch," Gao Dezhong Leng Leng, "going back to the Emperor, lackey is not listening to Wen Xi and what happened, Zhuang Zhuzi does not often go to the garden, Gong Shi low-profile posting where below and I wanted to make ... ..." realized he would speak, Gao Dezhong shut up in due course. Feng Jin was in the mood to listen to, he turned to look at Gao Dezhong: "like what? ” "Slaves the moment, just a few months ago, Zhuang Zhuzi is not favored, and miss the Emperor, sometimes we will go to the Royal Court, was accidentally in the Imperial offensive to other masters, it is unlikely to go to the Royal Court. "As the first triumph of the harem eunuch, Gao Dezhong naturally understand one more thing to say beautiful, but also do not majeste. Feng Jin smells no more say, Gao Dezhong thought about it later, until after lunch, Chamberlain Chancellor of the harem eunuchs enclose several concubines. "I heard that brings refreshment and brings refreshment and discomfort these days? "Move your fingers swept the two teeth, picking out throwing to one side," in that case, I would not have them wait on the. ” Gao Dezhong look at alone lying on one side of the two cards, but understand that close, offends Chiu-filled instrument that brings refreshment and have been pulling teeth, bullied brings refreshment and today there is no escape, brings refreshment ... If he was not mistaken, Zhuang brings refreshment is in witness whereof, the mother and sister of the spirit-filled, but it seems that emotion and Chiu-filled instrument as well horse brings refreshment and brings refreshment to Zhao filling apparatus embarrassed, brings refreshment are present, don't even have half favor meant. His attack on Zhao Emperor special filling apparatus for granted? Gao Dezhong had to sigh again in witness whereof the means of charging instrument, the harem women means more useful than beauty. "The Emperor the son ... [This chapter unfinished, please click next to continue reading! ]……” "To the Queen. "I have little interest in opening. "My Lord, did you hear that, brings refreshment and brings refreshment and was removed by Emperor Zhang. "Before dinner, listen to bamboo's face lights up came in, apparently was delighted with the two hapless. Luo yan Zhuang picked the eyebrow and heart is a bit of a surprise, the two men whom the Emperor personally removed the sign, but don't be made Emperor, taboo? Yun XI see masters looking as usual, short cut: "now that the Emperor decided to something, we don't hear, the Emperor's own decision. ” Zhu also found himself some exclaimed, convergence and look busy, High fives ladies present dinner. Luo yan Chuang playing with the bracelet on my wrist, could not help but once again remind himself concubines vocation to heed, lest the carelessness was the boss of the Emperor banished border. Is like playing a game, the player wants to brush, also first to trigger a task before gaining access to the large Monster. It can be seen that which rows which are not mixed. Author has something to say: Goodnight everyone =3=[the end of this chapter]
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ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 3:[สำเนา]
" 庄侍郎自小与你感情如何 ? " 熙和宫中庄络胭与封谨相对而坐两人面前的茶还散发着朦胧的热气 , , . www.yawen8 . com

庄络胭执起茶壶把封谨面前的茶杯满上听到封谨的话浅笑道 , , , " 妾的父母一向对妾宠爱非常兄长自小也对我非常爱护兄长自小才思敏捷知礼和善 , . , , 倒是因为妾在府里做了好几次恶人 "

封谨闻言沉吟着端起茶杯 : " 他却是个好兄长 " 两人谁也没有提苏侍郎弹劾一事但是庄络胭心里却有谱了

, ,皇帝并不打算动庄家毕竟庄家向来安守本分又没有威胁皇帝的家世 , ,

当一个皇帝有能力高度集权时后宫的妃嫔便可以随心所欲至少不用衡量躺在自己身边的女人家族是否在哪一天就反了 , , . 封谨想把全朝的权利集中在自己手上就还差一步那便是大家族赵家 , ,

所谓百足之虫死而不僵赵家如今虽已经有所收敛但是背后强大的势力不得不引起皇帝的忌惮至于苏家想算计庄家 , , , ,

不过是皇帝眼中的一场闹剧罢了 .苏家突然在朝堂上弹劾庄家也许有她在后宫受宠的原因 , 毕竟后妃母家在前朝失势也会影响皇帝对后妃的宠爱苏家这步棋走得不算漂亮 , , , , 又或者淑贵妃回家省亲一事让他们有些飘飘然了 ?

" 妾却不是个好妹妹 " 庄络胭露出一个苦笑心下却叹息这个身体前主的确不是什么好妹妹 , ,

当时的庄侍郎并不想让庄络胭这个妹妹进宫甚至已经替自家妹妹选了几个好人家可惜仅仅看了皇帝一眼的庄络胭坚持要进宫 , , ,与父母兄长闹了好些日子

不得不说这是个家里宠爱太过的傻女孩子空有美貌却没有手段白白断送自己大好年华 , , , , 倒是让她钻了个空子

封谨明白庄络胭这话的意思在他给庄络胭赐宫时已经调查了庄氏一家自然也有调查庄络胭曾经那些话真假的意思 , , ,

" 皇上已经午时了是否传膳 , , ? " 高德忠走近见皇上没有回宫的意思便省了问是否回宫再传膳了 , , . 『雅 * 文 * * * * 言情首发』

" 传吧封谨转首伸手拍拍庄络胭的手背 . " ," 在朕眼里爱妃是很好的 , "

" 皇上 " 庄络胭眼波流转掩饰了眼底的感情 , .

皇上才刚因为昭充仪贬了马婕妤为才人第二日又与昭充仪一同用午膳就连晚上也宿在熙和宫 , , , 谁不知道苏侍郎参了庄侍郎一本结果庄侍郎什么事情也没有让后宫中的女人在心里看了场淑贵妃的笑话 . , , 淑贵妃宠冠后宫好几年其他后妃乐得看她面皮被扒皇上反而对昭充仪荣宠不减

, .

晨起梳妆庄络胭坐在镜前懒洋洋的选了几件物件儿 , , ,接过宫女呈上来的清水喝了几口擦着嘴角道 : " 把皇上赏的玉盏清荷放在我屋子里好好放着 , , , 仔细别磕着碰着 "

不愧是皇帝赏赐的东西那玉盏清荷用整玉雕成雕工精细非常就连荷花蓓蕾上的露珠也彷如真实般 , , , , 欲落未落 .

" 主子今早圣驾离开时说是让您好好休息叫奴婢们不可吵醒你呢 , , , " 听竹一面为庄络胭梳发一面笑道 " 刚刚殿中省的太监送来了今年的新茶说是宫里没有几位主子分到呢 , , ,

"庄络胭扶发簪的手微微一顿 " 都有哪几个宫里有 ? "

" 奴婢听说除了太后与皇后外就只有淑贵妃、柔妃、徐昭容、嫣贵嫔有而且主子与淑贵妃那里最多呢 , , " 听竹的话语中带着些自得 " 反正庄婕妤那里是没有的 "

庄络胭拿着两个手镯比了比笑道 : " 这些是殿中省的事情至于庄婕妤有没有 , , , 与我们何干 ? " 她可是记得这位庶出姐姐待原主可没有半分客气她又不是圣母做不来以德报怨又或者错在庄络胭 , , , .她也没有强大的手腕把两个敌人变成朋友更何况这样的姐妹关系本来就不可能好到哪里去 , ,

在前朝的封谨接到了高美国太子要携礼参拜的消息 . 高丽国虽名为国实际却是封谨治理之国九州的附属国九州幅员辽阔 , , 物产富饶与贫寒的高美比起来如同富翁与叫花子的区别 , , ,

这高美国每次说是参拜实际是打秋风不过这些年因为高美国内部子嗣问题自从封谨登基后 , . , ,

高美国还不曾有太子来参拜 .封谨面无表情的看着朝堂下面的官员因为以何种规格接待高美国吵嚷成一团冷笑了一声 , .

" 皇上臣以为高美国虽是我国附属但是我国乃泱泱大国自然要以豪华姿态接待 , , , , 让他们看看我国的富饶 "

封谨看向出声的人是皇后的父亲赵庸他似笑非笑的挑眉 , , : " 哦这是承恩公的看法 , ? "

赵庸小心看了眼皇帝的表情实在看不出皇上的想法犹豫一下道 , , : " 这只是微臣一些拙见 "

" 行了不过是件小事用不着吵嚷成这样 , , .
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