I'm the faith and believe in love. Love is what's important in life. Love is the impetus that makes everything beautiful. I'm lucky to born a warm family. There are parents that love me mindful at all times. It makes me feel good to feel a special sense of love of everything. Every moment in a past life. Whether it's learning, work and everyday life. I intend to do it with love.
When an event occurred to me. It makes the attitude about my love changed since I have a lover. The path of love with him it starts beautifully. My life is full of happiness, that it increases every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year. And then my pleasure gradually disappeared. There is unhappiness replace. Finally, My love for it ended when my lover is unfaithful.
My love is a negative attitude in the life is so bad. Result in other things in my life is bad. Until I lost faith in love.
Then in love attitude changed again. I know what I'm tired I couldn't bear it anymore. I'm going to start to love yourself. Happiness is better, everything began because of love again.
The conclusion that love is important to my life very much. I still believe in love. Experience has taught that bad things will pass. Start by loving yourself first.