WinCC is a modular system. WinCC is used to visualize the process and configure a graphic
user interface. You will use the user interface to operate and observe the process. WinCC
offers the following possibilities:
● WinCC allows you to observe the process. The process is displayed graphically on the
screen. The display is updated each time a status in the process changes.
● WinCC allows you to operate the process. For example, you can indicate a setpoint from
the user interface or you can open a valve.
● WinCC allows you to monitor the process. An alarm will automatically signal in the event
of a critical process status. If, for example, a predefined value is exceeded, a message will
appear on the screen.
● WinCC allows you to archive the process. When working with WinCC, process values can
either be printed or electronically archived. This facilitates the documentation of the process
and allows subsequent access to past production data.