Overall, subacute acidosis probably costs the feeder
more money than acute acidosis because of the unobserved
reduction in performance of the cattle. We have
measured nearly $10 to $13/head advantage by reducing
the effects of acidosis in a wheat diet with the addition
of roughage or replacement with corn (Table 1). If
one simply evaluated the effect of feed intake alone, a
.25 to 1.0 pound reduction in daily feed intake can drastically
reduce overall feedlot profit (Table 2). In addition,
severe (A+, one or more large, active abscesses present
along with inflammation of liver tissue surrounding the
abscess) liver abscesses, which were the result of acidosis,
may reduce daily gain by 11 percent and feed
efficiency by 9 percent. Extra trimming of the carcass
may also be required in addition to the lost value of the
condemned livers. The lost value caused by liver
abcesses in a pen of cattle (15 percent incidence rate)
may be $3/head.
Overall, subacute acidosis probably costs the feedermore money than acute acidosis because of the unobservedreduction in performance of the cattle. We havemeasured nearly $10 to $13/head advantage by reducingthe effects of acidosis in a wheat diet with the additionof roughage or replacement with corn (Table 1). Ifone simply evaluated the effect of feed intake alone, a.25 to 1.0 pound reduction in daily feed intake can drasticallyreduce overall feedlot profit (Table 2). In addition,severe (A+, one or more large, active abscesses presentalong with inflammation of liver tissue surrounding theabscess) liver abscesses, which were the result of acidosis,may reduce daily gain by 11 percent and feedefficiency by 9 percent. Extra trimming of the carcassmay also be required in addition to the lost value of thecondemned livers. The lost value caused by liverabcesses in a pen of cattle (15 percent incidence rate)may be $3/head.
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