“It has a call box!” Jimmy pointed to the rusty old call box on the gigantic sandstone pillar. Upon pressing it, a little red light glowed above a small camera. A soft voice could be heard giggling over the speaker, as the gigantic gate slowly swung open. Jimmy begged to go back to the car, and wait for a passerby, but a confident and naive Aaron insisted that they approach the house. They walked down the dirt driveway, forest and swamp surrounding them on either side, for what seemed like ages until they reached the clearing. A gigantic gothic mansion stood before them, fountains and gardens surrounding the massive castle. They wandered around the gardens, passing hedge mazes and fountains until they reached the front door. It was already ajar, and a handsome young man with incredible silver hair stood in the doorway with what could be insinuated as his partner. He had black hair and was covered in tattoos. The two smiled genuinely as the couple approached.
“Welcome! You must be here for the festival.” Jimmy and Aaron looked at eachother, somewhat surprised.
“No, I’m sorry. We hit a deer and wrecked the car down the road. We were hoping we could use your phone. We can’t seem to get any cell service.” The two gentlemen behind the door, gracious as ever, invited them inside without a word. Through a vestibule, they opened to a gigantic hall, opulent and beautiful beyond compare. Dimly lit with candles, and adorned with incredible frescoes, the two were taken aback by the incredible beauty.