A total 32 mangrove forest plots were set up in five locations of two
regions along coastal Vietnam. In each plot of 4000 m2 (20 m×200 m),
2–5 transects were designed to measure wave height at different cross-shore
distances (i.e. 0 m, 20 m, 40 m, 60 m, 100 m and 120 m) from the edge to the
centre of the mangrove stand (Figure 2). In each measurement, wave height
was measured by people standing at six cross-shore distances. The numbers
of measurable replications on each route are from 2 to 10. Mangrove forest
structures, such as breast-height diameter, height, tree density, canopy
closure and species are collected in each plot. Wave attenuation is analysed
in relation to distances, initial wave height and mangrove forest structures