For any enterprise that uses a website to build brand awareness and sell its products, the explosive growth in mobile devices
is impossible to ignore. But while many companies would love to extend their website or e-Commerce application to a mobile
audience, they’re often uncertain about how to proceed. Should you build a dedicated application for each mobile device?
Mobile-enable your current website? Build some sort of hybrid solution? What are some of the things you should be thinking
about when bringing content and applications to your mobile community?
This paper examines a topic at the heart of any mobile strategy: whether to deploy a native application or a web application.
It examines the key characteristics of each approach, their advantages and disadvantages, and what factors go into making
a decision. It also explores an issue that’s top of mind for mobile planners and software developers: how to support multiple
platforms and devices in an industry that’s highly fragmented and rapidly evolving. Do you need to create a separate app for
each Android™, iOS, Windows™, or Blackberry™? With the constant emergence of new platforms, versions, and form factors, how
do you even keep up?
Lionbridge has extensive experience meeting all of these challenges, and we can help you navigate the rapidly evolving mobile
landscape. In this paper, we’ll explore ways to optimize for the capabilities and limitations of different devices while minimizing
development time and costs. The paper also examines some customer scenarios that put these concepts into practice, including
examples of the creative thinking that goes into delivering a mobile solution that users will embrace.