New Dehli (CNN) -- The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has morphed into a considerably warmer and drier alternative in India.
Enter the "Rice Bucket Challenge."
Abhilekha Rampuria (right) gives a boy, Balaji, 5kgs of rice. She says:
Abhilekha Rampuria (right) gives a boy, Balaji, 5kgs of rice. She says: "He has 2 siblings. His mother works as housemaid. They buy daily 1/2kg of rice to serve their hunger needs. He does not have a father. Still they don't beg."
Indian journalist Manju Latha Kalanidhi, who works for the U.S.-based rice research website, says when she first heard about the ice bucket challenge, she got thinking.
"Why waste water?" she asks. "I felt like doing something more locally tangible. Rice is a staple here. We eat it every day, we can store it for months. Why not donate rice to someone who is hungry?