Finally, production of organic foods can help to protect environment from pesticides used in conventional foods. According to Jenna B, Non-organic food are affecting our water and air quality. Pesticides, herbicides and other dangerous chemicals are being found in water supplies. When pesticides seep into the soil. Earthworm or other soil animals will be poison directly. Loss of population these animals make soil deteriorate. Absorption of water into the soil is more difficult, organic matter in the soil reduced and impact on plant growth. At the same time. Pesticide contamination in water the plants in water rot and fish lacking oxygen. Moreover organic farming helps the fight against global warming. The use of pesticides or growth hormone, to speed up production for the demand of consumers. Resulting in extremely dangerous for the ecosystem as a cause of global warming, According to finding of the Rodale Institute’s Farming Systems Trial (FST), organic farming systems have the potential to use 30 to 50 percent less energy than non-organic farming systems. Additionally, results from the long-term FST conclude that organic cover-crop farming is a better “carbon-sink” than non- organic farming. It better absorbs and sequesters natural carbon emission from decaying matter in the soil, holding more carbon deeper than non-organically managed farmland. Carbon is one of the greenhouse gases that absorb the wave, infrared, which is heat waves from the sun. Collecting heat them in the atmosphere. Which is the temperature of the earth rise, melting the polar ice rising sea levels, flooding along the coastal area, the climate variation.