My dear Wouter!
what a pleasure for me to know you're thinking of me and your heart is
still on fire. Whenever I read your letters I feel a wonderfully warm
glow inside me and I feel ready to take on the world.
I appreciate you're thinking of me even when you have fun with your
friends. I believe we're destined to meet. I think of you constantly,
too. This is very different for me and I am wondering how this might
work in the end. I want to be able to touch you and feel you touch me.
I want to feel you warm breath on my cheek and watch the shining of
your eyes. I want us both to be happy and find the love we deserve.
I do appreciate your intention to take this long trip to my place. And
I realise your mother worries about you. Please, tell her she is not
the one who cares and worries of you. I believe your trip will be
pleasant and safe. I'll be praying for it. Hope all our waiting for
our meeting will soon be over and we will finally have a chance to be
together. I am sure that we are waiting for something good and special
and our patience will be rewarded. Your magic has entered my life and
made it so much more complete and special. All I feel I need to make
life perfect is to finally meet you. I still find it totally
remarkable that we have found each other and that our relationship has
developed so well despite the distance. Perhaps, it is because we have
talked so much to each other through our letters that we have become
so close. I think that because we have used the letters to explore our
thoughts and feelings that we have had a chance to let our
relationship develop and mature in a positive way that any earlier
meeting would not have allowed.
Thank you so much for your intentions to make some photos of the Dutch
landscape and of your family. I'll be more than happy to receive the
photos. And I'll be absolutely delighted to get Madonna's "Confessions
from the dance floor". I don't have the CD in my collection. You're
very kind to me, my dear Wouter. Thank you.
I like your dreams about us together swimming and enjoying the sun at
the seaside. I feel absolutely admired by your idea to travel to
France! I believe we'll have a chance to do so. It's a pity, I can't
get the passport soon as it's rather costly.
The weather is getting very frosty here. It's a pity, I don't visit my
granny this week-end. So I'll have no chance to ask her anything.
Nevertheless, I'm sure she will be very glad to have some new Dutch
flowers for her garden. I was going to attend the swimming pool on
Sunday, but I'm afraid I'll have to stay at home all over the
week-end. As I have a lot of household things to do. Besides, I need
to make a report for giving it on Monday at the University. So keep
you fingers cross for me. I'm very glad to hear your weather is going
to be sunny this week-end. I wished I could have that nice long walk
with you.
I really feel that when we finally meet we will find that we are two
matching pieces in this puzzle of life. I want to give you my love and
I want to receive yours. I want us to be happy together. And my heart
keeps saying me you are the right person for me.
Enjoy your week-end!
Thinking of you,