of the garlic straw fibres after different treatments (GS,
ATGS, BGS and CNC-GS samples). Each material in the form of milled
powder was placed on the sample holder and levelled to obtain
total and uniform X-ray exposure. The samples were examined
using an X-ray diffractometer (D8-Advance Bruker AXS GmbH) at
room temperature with a monochromatic Cu K radiation source
( = 0.154 nm) in the step-scan mode with a 2 angle ranging from
10◦ to 50◦ with a step of 0.04 and scanning time of 5.0 min. The
crystallinity index CrI, was determined using the method described
by Segal. Moreover, the average thickness of cellulose
crystallites was estimated also from the XRD patterns by using
Scherrer’s Eq.