Thanks also for the errors document – some very good issues raised there. I will work through them and return them to you today.
We have started to do UAT today. Have some questions and issues as below;
For Readiness Matrix, you asking us to do as following, but we have some question as below.
Check that we are getting data for all sites and all tanks
Question: It quite take long time to check for all sites and all tanks, can we random check this ? Please specific if it worth to check for all sites and all tanks.
Check that the stock values match existing system.
Question: Do you mean Testers have to do UAT parallel when they are working the Production Validation on every morning ? If no, Please advise how to check on this criteria.
Check that sales meter readings/bookstocks providing correct values.
Question: How can we know how to check the sale meter reading ? and how to check the book stocks ? Please advise where they are to check.
For Issue & Defect;
We also have some issues found during UAT, please help to clarify us on each page of issues.
We will continue to UAT on next Monday around 3:00 PM time. Appreciate if you can reply before the next round of our UAT.