Table 4 Prevalence of breastfeeding categories from
mothers’ diaries and agreement between diaries and RA
rating at one month
Characteristics Frequency (%) n
Number of 6-week diaries completed 30
Feeding categories at 4 weeks 16 (54) 30
Exclusively breastfed 7 (24)
Exclusively breast milk-fed 6 (20)
Predominately breast milk-fed
Weaned (i.e., stopped all breastfeeding)
1 (1)
Mother’s diary at 4 weeks agreed with
1 month call (7-day recall) by 1st and
2nd callers
Yes 46 (84)
No 9 (16)
[5 of 60 missing]
Reliability test comparing callers with diaries Measure p-value
ICC 0.802 (p