Childbirth Educators must be current and well informed about pain management during labor. Pregnant women will ask the educator what options are available and will rely on them for insight. Pain management is a decision that can have consequences for the health and wellbeing of both mom and baby. Mixed with the excitement and happiness of bringing a child into the world, there is also fear and anxiety of the impending physical and psychological challenges that laboring women will face (Smith, Collins, Cyna, & Crowther, 201o). Complete removal of pain may not offer the most satisfying or safe experience in labor, and satisfactory pain management must be individualized. There is a global movement toward a more naturalistic approach for childbirth (Goldbas, 2012). Natural or sometimes referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices offer pregnant women choices for treatment that are different from the conventional methods. CAM therapies can be effective with fewer side effects (Goldbas, 2012). This article will offer evidence to the childbirth educator toward the use of natural pain management and share a true story of woman who chose a home birth with natural pain management along with her journey in making some of these difficult choices.