To provide for a means to suggest the purchase of additional products, Safeway turned to the use of DM as a means to
recommend additional purchases to its clients. The idea of personalizing the recommendations was based on the prior
successful implementations of such systems, which work by filtering a set of items (e.g. grocery products) through a personal
profile. This filtering may be content based, which recommends based on what a person has liked in the past.Alternatively,the
filtering may be collaborative, which recommends items that other people, similar to the one at hand, have liked in the
past[19].Safeway Shoppers Construct a shopping list via the PDA and electronic mail(e-mail)it to the grocer‟s server.
Shoppers select products from lists residing in the personal catalog, the store‟s recommendations, and special promotions.
Safeway customers are clustered based on their prior purchasing behavior, and a list of most popular products is generated to
represent the preferred product purchases for the customers in each cluster. The recommender system at Safeway then ranks
this list of products according to computed affinities with each customer to produce a list of 10 to 20 highest-ranking
products. When customers synchronize with the store server, they are presented with the recommended list, which in fact
contains products that were not previously purchased by the customer