Dear Busarawan,
Thanks for sending course registration below.
Appointment of Kongsak Chotkulsuwan can be confirmed.
However, for you and Boby we need the following documents:
- Busarawan:
o Auditor appointment (IRCA or equivalent)
- Boby:
o CV with corresponding docs
o Auditor appointment (IRCA or equivalent)
For both of you: Since so far you are not appointed as Lead Tutor by another Training Organisation for IRCA registered courses, we have to follow the “three step approach” as stated in section 5.3 of attached document. Therefore it is recommended that both of you attend as observer in the course to get an overview about course structure and contents. Depending on valid auditor appointment, in the next course you can act as Support Tutor.
In case any clarification is needed for the tutor appointment, please come back to me.
Best regards,
PS: My colleague Hrvoje will send you course registration no.