Dark golden bamboo slip, was not only sending out the air/Qi of strong ancient times, was containing one, the space underground conceited supreme air/Qi.
Although the distance is very far, but Chu Feng has the Heaven’s Eyes help, almost can determine that is a piece of bamboo slip.
„This was ancient times treasure.”
Under Heaven’s Eyes, Chu Feng more looks is clearer, but looks is clear, the joyful color on Chu Feng face is rich.
Although the bamboo slip has one piece, but in that bamboo slip, is containing the innumerable road marks, that mark is the writing, each is concealing certain profound meaning.
But such mark, in that small bamboo slip, several thousand, collects fully in together, is similar to the rivers is ordinary, is flowing in that bamboo slip rapidly.
„Martial Technique, has recorded the utilization about Martial Technique unexpectedly.”
„Good is mysterious, if can grasp all contents in this bamboo slip, will decide however will let my universality of contradictions, one more floor up to the use of Martial Technique.”
Has sensed, the content in that bamboo slip, Chu Feng is wild with joy, this bamboo slip is really treasure, and to a martial cultivation way, has tremendous assistance treasure.
But in Chu Feng watches on that bamboo slip diligently the spell, when comprehension content, that bamboo slip trembles unexpectedly slightly, afterward starts to float to the direction that Chu Feng is at slowly, although is very slow, but indeed is floating to Chu Feng.
„Can communicate this bamboo slip unexpectedly.”
At this moment, Chu Feng is the great happiness, under discovering the pleasant surprise of this bamboo slip, Chu Feng starts to adapt to that to sweep across his whole body the feeling of pain unexpectedly gradually.
But this also causes, Chu Feng Spirit power is getting more and more centralized, that bamboo slip is getting quicker and quicker to the speed that oneself float.
However at this moment, the Chu Feng directly opposite, flashes through a dazzling blue lightning suddenly, not only sound exceptionally grating, picture that the Chu Feng also clear capture, the lightning reappeared.
That indeed is the lightning, but actually not like common lightning, discomforting.
„How will here have the lightning?” Chu Feng brow tight wrinkle, in heart pan- whisper.
Shouted whistling
But at this moment, the sound of intermittent strong winds, such as ten thousand beasts roared general, resounded through, and more depended is nearer.
Follows, sound of the lightning, resounds continuously, when that lightning ray reappears, Chu Feng can see that the lightning is smuggling the hurricane, forward Chu Feng oppression.
And, that lightning and hurricane, so boundless, although the distance is very far, area actually also broad, simply big to being above imagination.
„Ha, Chu Feng, is really the day helps me.”
„In here, although my mortal body cannot move, but my Divine Power, can actually control for me, Chu Feng, you died.”
„Well, here has this kind of treasure unexpectedly, resembling was the thing of ancient times, ha, good, was really good.”
„Today, you not only need die, this treasure is also my, but also thinks that Bow Emperor successor is helping you, actually inadequately wants to be is actually helping me, ha!!!”
An incomparably fierce sound resounds, is cold Yue, transmits in the deep place of this nihility space, her sound so disgusting.
„Hateful, can she operate Divine Power?”
„Amn't I how good?”
Chu Feng has somewhat flustered, wind and thunder that interweaves, is not cold Yue Divine Power.
At this moment appears here, that wind and thunder is fearful several thousand times, in their front, Chu Feng felt really one are really tiny.
He knows, by the strength of cold month, but also is unable Divine Power, to display the so terrifying situation, that is very likely the Divine Power main body.
But why the cold month can use the Divine Power main body, but can't oneself actually use Inherited Bloodline?
Right, own Inherited Bloodline, does not control for oneself from the start.
Thinks of here, Chu Feng smiles bitterly, although oneself have tyrannical Inherited Bloodline, what a pity, that Inherited Bloodline, he actually cannot grasp.
However is good because, cold Yue sharply has not been beginning to Chu Feng, but after discovering that piece of bamboo slip, stimulates to movement that wind and thunder, catches that piece of bamboo slip.
Thinks that cold Yue had also discovered the importance of that bamboo slip, does not want to miss this opportunity.
At this moment, cold month that boundless Divine Power, tight bound lived in that piece of bamboo slip, and strength that Divine Power sends out, intrepid incomparable, goes far beyond strength that she has controlled.
The so vast strength, with a that tiny piece of bamboo slip, has formed the sharp contrast.