A Robot That Can Fold Your Laundry In Less Than 1 Minute And Costs Only $850
Do you know anybody who likes folding laundry? If the answer is no then you’re not alone (and if the answer is yes then put me in touch). But thanks to the FoldiMate, the days of boring laundry folding may soon be a thing of the past.
Dubbed “Your Laundry Folding Friend” on the FoldiMate website, This robot loves to do what most of us hate. Not only that, it’ll do it better than you ever could. It can give your shirts the kind of right angles that would make Pythagoras weep, and it can do it in less than a minute without the slightest grumble of complaint. It’s also super simple to use. Just clip your garment to the integrated rack, tell it what sort of clothing it is and FoldiMate will do the rest. It’ll retail from between $700 and $850 when it hits the market, but as it won’t be available to buy until 2018, maybe don’t start stockpiling your laundry just yet…
More Info: FoldiMate