A Sound Generator siren project, suitable for beginners. Build a simple, but widely applied.
The siren sound is a sound listening to indeed impactful. Commonly used as a sounds alarms in many forms. such as a burglar alarm in the house or install in car as alert sound ask to give way on ambulance, police car, or various recovery vehicles.
This projects is siren sound that sound effects like the siren of an ambulance or police car. Which features low-pitched tones alternately.
The working principle.
This project will be comprised of the oscillator circuits of 2 set. Using IC-555 timer IC are main both unit. The first oscillator serve determine time period in changing a high-low sound tone,provide the proper frequencies about 0.5-1 Hertz. Then, secoud oscillator set the siren sound, before out to a speaker.
In Figure 1 , The working of the circuit, Start from IC1 is installed as astable multivibrator to generate frequencies about 1 Hertz by R1 and C1 work together. Which generate the output frequency from IC1 is send through a R2-resistor to pin 5 of IC2. Which is a control voltage pin of IC1, will causes a tone that generate a oscillator at IC2 has pitched – bass sound as control voltage from output of IC1 there.