Objective: To determine body weight gain, expression of Igf-1 and Igf-1 receptor on obese rat
model treated with rambutan peel extract (RPE) as a physiological response.
Methods: Normal and obese rat feed with normal and high calorie diet around 12 weeks
and continued to treat with ellagic acid, RPE 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg body weight respectively.
Physiological responses observed were weight gain and expression of Igf-1 with its receptor.
Body weight of rat was weighed once per week. Expression of Igf-1 and igf-1R observed with
fluorescence immunohistochemistry. The intensity of Igf-1 and Igf-1R expression was analysis
using FSX-BSW software.
Results: The lowest weight gain was obtained on obese rat model treated with RPE 30 mg/kg body
weight. The expression of Igf-1 and Igf-1R were reduced on obese rat model treated with RPE
compared with obese rat model of non treatment (P