SYS − The innerm ost lay er is the System or SYS lay er. This is
where the standard Microsoft Dynami cs AX application is
• GLS − Micro soft Dy nam i cs AX Development offers improvements
of functionality with the release of a Hotf ix. These Hotfixes are
distributed in the GLS lay er.
• DIS − Local Microsoft Dynami cs A X offices are provided with a
Distributor or DIS lay er for countr y -specific functiona lit y
• BUS − Busin ess partners c an develop and distribute vertical and
horizontal solu tions to othe r partners and customers using the
Business Solution or BUS lay er.
Solutions in th e BUS layer are pr otected by the sam e l i cense code
frame work the standard application uses. The BUS layer is reserved
for the Add-o n Soluti on pr ogram and requires a signed agreem ent to
use for developm ent and distribution.
• VAR − Business partners a cces s a s eparate layer, the Value Added
Reseller or VAR layer without business-related restri ctions. This
means that any developm e n ts can be added to this lay er.
The business partner mu st keep a catal o g of applicati on functionality
and VAR configurations customer s have implemented to update
installations correctly .
• CUS − Corporate enterprises and business partners ca n modify their
installations using the Cus t omer or CUS lay er. If a c o rporate
enterprise has an internal IT department with Microsoft Dynam i c s
AX programming skills, use this layer t o add generic enterprise
The Customer layer sup ports in-house de velopment without
jeopardizing modifications made by the business partner. This m e a n s
application code m ad e in the VAR lay er cannot be ch anged.
• USR − The U S R layer enables individual comp anies or com p anie s in
an enterprise to use this la yer to make customizations that are unique
to the customers' installation that includ es reports b y u sing the report