1. Honoring legal norms
Honoring the values of the State of Israel, its laws and labor agreements as
threshold rules for business management.
2. Respect for employees and the work environment
Prohibition of discrimination, providing equal opportunities for all, enforcement of workers’ rights and the rights of sub-contractor employees, adherence to safety guidelines and prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
3. Fair business practices
Adopting fair practices in business competition, fair and equal treatment of guests, customers and suppliers. Providing reliable information about the hotels’/Group’s products, giving symbolic souvenirs and gifts for sales promotion purposes, receipt of gratuities and gifts from suppliers – only according to law and according to DanHotels Group’s procedures.
4. Conflict of Interests
Avoiding actions that may create a conflict of interest between an employee and Dan Hotels Group due to the employee’s position, business ties or family relations.
5. Use of company assets
Maintaining trade confidentiality, use of tangible assets and computer and communication systems solely for the purpose of executing the job.
6. Prohibition on the use of inside information
Since the company is traded on the stock market, use of inside information is prohibited, including use according to the Securities Law of 1968 and its
7. Environmental Protection
Activities aimed at environmental protection, improvement of the quality of life and integration of employees into these activities.
8. Community Relations
Collaborating with local communities adjacent to hotels and Group facilities,
contributing donations and encouraging employees to be involved in activities
benefitting the community.
9. Solidarity and mutual assistance
Solidarity between the Group’s employees, encouraging mutual assistance within Dan Hotels Group’s organization and examining options for assisting employees facing hardships or difficulties.
10. Protection for people who expose corruption or breaches of the ethical code
Preventing any act of revenge or taking of steps against employees who reported a breach of the ethical code or possible acts of corruption.
- See more at: http://www.danhotels.com/EthicalCode/index.htm#sthash.X22wD2Zk.dpuf