“peachtime” era under American rule or the Era of the Katipunan Revolution. Some topics are specialized. One example is family history, which is not always about the rich and powerful, but could also be about families who have contributed healers, teachers or artists, or those whose past is closely linked to significant events of the locality. Another is institutional history, which tracks for instance the history of an academic institution or a business company.
One can do an economic history of say, the mining sector, the weaving industry, or tobacco production in Spanish times. A history of social movements would include groups like Pulahanes or Colorums and other messianic or millenarian groups. Cultural history would document the changes in the practices and traditions of a community, and ethnic history could deal with cultural communities such as the Tingguians or Apayaos on women and their role in the society. Local primary sources are available for all those I have mentioned above. It is up to the researcher to use his creativity and insight in unearthing and retrieving data from local sources.
Some Practical Guidelines
On Data-Gathering
Most of us are familiar with the process of research, which is basically data-gathering, so I will be brief on these guidelines.
1. Use notecards or notepaper because pieces of paper of a uniform size are easier to carry, to store and organize.
2. Take notes carefully, especially of direct quotes, to ensure accuracy.
3. Do not mix two or more topics or sources in one notecard. If you come across a new topic, start with a new notecard to avoid confusion later.
4. Do not late data that you encounter just because it goes against what you believe is the correct information or your projected conclusion
5. Always indicate the source of information, such as the title and date of a document, or the bibliographical data for printed materials such as book, pamphlets or magazines.
6. Organize your materials into primary and secondary sources or according to major topics, or chronologically.
7. Take proper care of primary materials such as old photographs, manuscripts or maps. Such materials are