• Issue implementing guidance for the revised Criminal Code, confirming: 1) its application to online distributions and other violations of the IP Code; and 2) that “commercial scale” includes significant infringements without profit motive.
• Make necessary changes to its laws and implementing decrees to ensure Vietnam is in full compliance with its Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the U.S., and with other international obligations, and otherwise facilitate the free exercise of rights by copyright owners.
• Join the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).
• Clarify that Decree No. 85 measures imposing onerous collective management do not apply to foreign collective management organizations (CMOs) or to the administration of foreign rights.
• Adopt legislation making it an offense to use (or attempt to use) an audiovisual recording device in a movie theater to make or transmit a copy of an audiovisual work, in whole or in part.