The combined plastid matrix consisted of 41 accessions corresponding to 32 Oxalis species, and it comprised 2661 aligned sites among which 2039 were constant, 266 uninformative and 356 parsimony-informative characters (13.38%). The aligned matrix for nrITS sequences comprised 46 accessions from 32 Oxalis taxa. The data matrix had 765 characters, of which 335 were constant,128 uninformative and 302 parsimony-informative (39.48%).Parsimony analyses of the plastid and nrITS datasets yielded topologies with 845 steps and 1095 steps (consistency index [CI] = 0.646,etention index [RI] = 0.819), respectively. The resulting topologies
from the phylogenetic analyses were very similar to each other, although there was incongruence in the placement of O.aureoflava.