Under special circumstances.
The rate of acquiring Stone Skin’s proficiency will increase 20% of the norm.
Each step he took, the proficiency increased by 1%.
Even though the level was still at Beginner, the speed was great. However, the pain had not subsided.
The hardest thing imagined.
The whole entire body was covered in flames. Hands and feet seemed to have dried up as bone as they evaporated.
Before his harassed by flames sight lies the gateway of the second floor.
“Let’s go. The third floor will be waiting with something more interesting.”
A rather confident Weed walked excitedly.
The Geomchis also followed.
The pain in their body transcended.
Something for the likes of the sick minded.
“33 year old bachelor.”
“If I think about girlfriends then my limbs shrivel like this.”
“Can’t be weakened just because of some stupid stage.”
Their pace had fallen along with their speed and vitality, while fatigue jumped with every step they took.
But thanks to Stone Skin, they were able to withstand it of that level.
Stone Skin skill level increased by 1.Due to the rock-like hardened skin, a chance of bouncing off enemies’ weapons improves.
Base armor increases by 1%.
Stone Skin skill level increased by 1.
Due to the rock-like hardened skin, a chance of bouncing off enemies’ weapons improves.
Base armor increases by 2%.
The growth the Stone Skin was a pleasurable feeling.
Weed enjoyed the bodily aches.
Even if it was physical hardship, the growth of a skill was the best of feelings.
For others, they may not want to walk the length because of the pain; but for the sake of the skill, there is no reason to not persist.
Then they discovered the stairs to the third floor.
Weed and the Geomchis sufficiently rested before climbing up the stairs.
Again, they were filled with Health and Mana. And again, they returned to the flames.
“Grow skill, grow!”
With the Stone Skin mastery in mind, the jumped into the flames!
Only Weed would ever come up with that logic.
Stone Skin have reached the Intermediate level.Increases base Defense by 4%.
Magic Resistance increases by 7%, the Mana to maintain the skill reduces by half.
At this point, they could say the inferno was a bit generous.
Along with the Mana cost depletion, the tension left somewhere as well.
Geomchi’s forehead sweated like during a workout.
“Oh cool.”
Geomchi3 body also felt refreshed.
“Master, isn’t it a pleasure to feel the sweat falling?”
The Geomchis sat and relaxed as if this was a sauna!
They stayed on the second floor for a day or so.
Enjoying the pain of the flames, all for the mastery of the skill!
After the means, they mastered the skill and climbed toward the third floor.