The objective of this work was to study the effect of processing (alcoholic extraction, fermentation and
germination) on protein quality of lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L. var. Troll and Emir) and pigeon pea
(Cajanus cajan L. var. Aroito) flours. Second, the effect of semolina supplementation with the processed
legume flours on protein quality of pasta was also evaluated. For protein quality evaluation amino acid
composition and chemical score (CS) were determined in raw and processed legume flours as well as
cooked semolina pasta supplemented and non-supplemented with processed legumes. Alcoholic
extraction did not cause important changes in the amino acid profile of lupin seeds. Certainly, sulphur
amino acid content of ethanol extracted lupin flours was reduced but levels remained similar to those
usually found in other legumes. However, fermentation and germination of pigeon pea seeds improved
some essential amino acids and slight changes in CS indexes were observed. Moreover, semolina
supplementation with processed lupin and pigeon pea flours improved protein quality of pasta as a result
of higher CS and EAA levels compared to the control cooked semolina pasta. Therefore, ethanol extracted
lupin, as well as fermented and germinated pigeon pea seeds are suitable protein sources for formulating
new pasta products.