One of my most memorial past events that I've never shared on this site or any of my online contacts yet involved a camping trip in a city near, which I have forgotten the name. It was a fun 'adventure,' considering how, a few weeks prior to the trip, 'captains' able to pick who they wanted in our group, and I was selected by my best friend 'Maria,' and the group contained all my BFF's. Upon getting there, we settled in a building that used to be a college, (or either a college not in use) and it was treated as 'home.' After we settled into our dorms, we unpacked our bags and went through a tour of the building along side our group members. After the tour was over, we were basically free to do what we wanted. If I'm not mistaken, I believe this trip was sponsored by D.A.R.E as a result of us behaving when police officers kept coming to classrooms to talk. My group and I stayed in the game room with the others and played until we got hungry, and then ordered a box of pizza in the cafeteria to fill up our tummies. This was 10-years-ago, and I was 10-years-old then, so I felt that vacation was paradise. lol. Eventually, I after playing, we'd have to go back to our rooms. The TV was great because I could actually hook nearly any video game to it. I took my Playstation, and the group and I basically stayed up all night and ate pizza. The next day, it was time for the second part of the trip. We went to the aquarium and had a blast, and we repeated the process, which was to go back 'home' to the college place and just play. lol. The next day, we went to the zoo, and you get the idea. lol. It was the best field trip I've ever been on.