The exhaust gases are a set of noxious gases produced as a result of combustion of fuel. They are the
major component of environmental pollution and have deleterious effects on the humans' health. These
gases expand gradually in the environment with an increasing demand for fuel consumption. An
effective and precise technology is required to control the concentration of these gases. This paper
discusses important modifications in the non-thermal plasma (NTP) to enhance depletion of the exhaust
gases. The effectiveness of the procedure improves with the use of appropriate “filter”, keeping an
adequate distance between the two corona plates, and a suitable gap between the electrodes and barrier.
The adsorption of NTP is enhanced by increasing the RPM (revolution per minute) of the exhaust fans. It
is observed that with the above modifications, the concentrations of CO, CO2, HC, and NOx are reduced by
more than 95%, and a small amount of oxygen is also expected to form during the process.
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