A school where students set the rules e a decide what they are going to do in class each day. They can school where t also not rues.impossible? Wenno.There really is such a attend classes if they dont want tot They set the school and it is very successful. Summerhil Schoof in private school wh ony about seventy a smal town in English it is a students Many of these students have learning dmculties.it is hard for them to ft in with others in most government The have litie time to attend to students schools. classes there are large and the teachers individualy. There are rules in Summer school.but it the students who set them. They decide what they is should do and should in There of students and one or two teachers to not no class. is a smal group made up make sure follow Thestudentshowever,do touble.They can choose the students these rues not give much lessons they want to attend and not do homowork if they dont want to.strango as it may seem. mostot the students do well and score top grades in the natonal examinations The principal of the school bolieves that its success is due to the fact that it is the students who make many of the important decisions. If you give students more control.thay are likely to be serious studentsLearning becomes more important to them and they work harder at school' 6.Which of these do the students at the Summerhill School NOT do? a.choose which lessons to attend b teach the lessons take their exams csot tho school rules 7.One important difference between Summerhil School and government schools is that.......................... a Summerhill is in England b Summerhill has a principal C.Summerhilf alows its student to set the rulesd.Summerhil has students with loaming difficulties 8.If classes are large athe teachers have less time to spend with each student separatey b.the teachers cannot teach properly the students have leamingdfficulties d.the students do not behave well 9.The students at Summerhill do not give much trouble because,.................................... a.they are given much indivdual attention b.they are in control.not the teachers