1. IntroductionSkin is frequently subjected to various injuries by physical andchemical means and is wounded, and initiated well-designed seriesof complicated events to reestablish its integrity and functions Particularly in many acute and chronic conditions such as partial,full or deep-thickness wound conditions, the naturally initiatedsequence of event fails to regenerate the skin tissue and reestab-lish the functions [1,2]. Skin grafting remains as a conventionalgold standard method to treat those of severe wound conditions.Extensive limitations accompanied by grafting include donor siteshortage, scarring at donor site, pain and risk of infection make thegrafting complicated. Therefore, tissue engineering is a promisingapproach that received greater attention to restore wounded skintissue [3]. However, synthesizing a biomimetic three-dimensional(3D) scaffold is still a challenging task in tissue engineering sinceit necessitates biomaterials that promise biological and mechani-cal properties which facilitate successful restoration of skin and itsfunctions. Until today, numerous natural and synthetic biomate-rials have been tested for the desired biological and mechanical