□ After the sunblock is spread, leave it in hot environment(storage temperetur
65 degree / 30 minutes).
There is no resin breaking.
□ 指定サンオイルを塗布して、65℃、30分環境で保存後、樹脂割れの確認をする
□ After the sun oil is spread, leave it in hot environment(storage temperature
65 degree / 30 minutes).
There is no resin breaking.
□ 指定サンオイルを塗布して、65℃、120分環境で保存後、樹脂割れの確認をする
□ After the sun oil is spread, leave it in hot environment(storage temperature
65 degree / 120 minutes).
There is no resin breaking.
□ 指定日焼け止めクリームを塗布して、65℃、120分環境で保存後、樹脂割れの確認
□ After the sunblock is spread, leave it in hot environment(storage temperetur
65 degree / 120 minutes).
There is no resin breaking.