any people with schizophrenia experience periods of illness followed by relatively stable periods (although symptoms of illness such as hearing voices and seeing things often remain in the background). This means that many people with schizophrenia may become unwell again and need to go back into hospital. Training in early warning signs techniques encourages people to learn, detect and recognise the early warning signs of future illness. Studies indicate that noticing even small changes in signs and symptoms of schizophrenia can often predict future illness and relapse two to 10 weeks later. Early warning training may help to prevent or delay relapse, so reducing the chances of going into hospital. Recognition of early warning signs requires detailed history taking, sometimes with additional techniques such as diary keeping, completion of questionnaires and a plan of action based on anticipated early warning signs. Training can be undertaken by the individual or be group-based, involving health professionals, family members or carers. Successful training seems to require around 12 sessions and involves therapists of high competency.