A field experiment was conducted during the pre-kharif season of 2012 and 2013 at Varanasi to study the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) (100% and 125% recommended dose of fertilizer), sulfur (0, 25 and 50 kg S ha-1) and zinc (0, 5 and 10 kg Zn ha-1) fertilization on growth, yield, economics and quality of baby corn. Growth attributes like plant height, number of green leaves, stem girth, dry matter plant-1, crop growth rate (CGR), chlorophyll content of leaves, yield attributes like number of baby cobs plant-1, cob and corn weight, length and girth of corn as well as yield of cob, corn and green fodder besides gross return, net return and benefit:cost ratio were increased significantly with application of 125% RDF (recommended dose of fertilizer) over 100% RDF. Increasing level of sulfur application up to 50 kg S ha-1 had a marked effect on all the growth characters, yield attributes and yield. Each increment of zinc application up to 10 kg Zn ha-1 correspondingly improved growth, yield attributes, cob yield, corn yield and green fodder yield as well as gross return, net return and the benefit:cost ratio.