If significant deficits in muscle strength or balance are
identified, than these should be addressed prior to the
initiation of aerobic training. Prescribing weight bearing
aerobic training in the absence of sufficient balance or strength
is likely to result in knee pain, fear of falling, falls, and limited
ability to progress aerobically, and is not recommended.
Similarly, in long term care, attempting to ambulate those
who cannot lift their body weight out of a chair or maintain
standing balance is a sub-optimal approach.
• In some cases, a chronic health condition may benefit equally
from resistance or aerobic training (as in the treatment of
depression for example35-37) but the decision is made based on
ability to tolerate one form of exercise over another. Severe
osteoarthritis of the knee, recurrent falls, and a low thresholdfor ischemia may make resistance training safer than aerobic
training as an antidepressant treatment in this case.
Preference for group vs. individual exercise, structured vs.
lifestyle physical activity, level of supervision desired, and
attraction or aversion to specific modalities of exercise must
be considered to optimize behavioral change and long-term