It is my great pleasure to give you a very warm welcome to visit our new factory. And Co-Development and Partnering Opportunities
new injection machinewith your new project to co develop new injection machine
Elgin Academy's redesigned website, which provides you with a wealth of information about the school. We hope that you will enjoy the new, more modern layout and that you will find it more accessible.
Elgin Academy has moved into a new era with our move to our wonderful new building. This has presented us with many opportunities, not least of which was the opportunity to develop a new shared vision for the school. We are now focusing on achieving excellence in learning and teaching, leadership and teamwork and relationships, all with a view to developing skills in our young people which will serve them well in a rapidly changing world. This is encapsulated in the phrase "Leading learning for all our futures"
We see our website as being a key resource for learning and teaching as well as being a major means of communication with both the Elgin Academy community and the wider world. We hope you enjoy it.